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Why You Should Not Mist Your Crispy Wave’s Leaves

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Many houseplants thrive with a daily misting. However, this practice is not beneficial to all plants. For example, you should not mist your Crispy Wave’s leaves. Why? How can you provide them with the humidity they require?

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Crispy Wave Origins

What makes humidity essential? In nature, Crispy Wave ferns live in tropical jungles. These ferns are epiphytic; meaning, they grow on trees rather than in the soil. Their environment’s humidity keeps the plant moisturized since there’s no soil to do so.

As a houseplant, there are distinct challenges. The Crispy Wave’s optimal humidity level is 60-90%, but your home’s environment is likely around 10%. This drastic difference can cause your fern’s health to decline.

What Some People Say About Misting

Misting is one of the most inexpensive ways to increase the humidity levels surrounding your plant. And it’s easy for plant owners to be a little too enthusiastic with the sprayer.

You have likely already found conflicting information online. One website says to mist your Crispy Wave’s leaves; the other says you should not. Why do we support the latter?

The Truth About Misting Your Crispy Wave’s Leaves

Misting your Crispy Waves leaves will threaten your plant’s overall health. How? The most common problem is “leaf spot.” This condition is caused when a water droplet causes a rotten spot after sitting on the leaf for an extended period. These spots will not go away over time; the only solution is to remove the leaf. As a slow-growing plant, it will take time for your fern to produce another replacement leaf.

What is it? The rosette center of your Crispy Wave retains excessive moisture, rotting your plant. Several other fungal and bacterial threats exist, including “Crown Rot.” the outcome? Likely, your fern’s death.

Alternatives to Misting Your Crispy Wave’s Leaves

A Humidifier

Using a humidifier is the surest way to increase your home’s humidity levels. However, there are also other advantages:

They are relatively inexpensive. You can purchase a quality filterless humidifier for as little as 20 or 30 dollars.

They humidify more square footage. You might be surprised: even small humidifiers can cover 500-700 sq. feet. Consider the advantages to your other plants within that area!

They are consistent. Your Crispy Wave fern requires constant humidity, not just an occasional misting. A humidifier will contribute to a uniform, humid environment.

They provide moisture to other “non-mist” plants. The Crispy Wave is not the only plant that should not receive mist on its leaves. Other examples include African Violets, Begonias, and Succulents. However, all these plants require humidity to thrive. By providing a humidifier, your entire plant collection will flourish.

More About Humidifiers

To keep your environment healthy, you will need to clean your humidifier regularly. Purchasing a filterless unit will make this process easier and cut down on costs.

Many humidifiers offer features that include essential oils. For instance, some diffuse the oils into the air, and some units have a pad, distributing a mild scent. However, if you have purchased the humidifier solely for your plant’s benefit, this feature is unnecessary. Why?

Highly concentrated amounts of essential oils can be damaging to your plant’s health. Always research before diffusing oils near your plants.

Additionally, running your humidifier 24/7 brings the most significant benefit to your plants. However, the majority of essential oils have a recommended diffusing time. Exceeding that limit (which can be as little as 10-30 minutes daily) can be damaging to your health.

Switching Locations

Changing the location of your plant is a free option. Your bathroom and kitchen are your home’s two most humid rooms. So, if there’s suitable light, move your Crispy Wave to one of those locations.

Clustering Plants

Plants release 97% of the moisture that they absorb, making them effective humidity producers. Grouping plants together allows your collection to benefit from each other’s humidity. (And will lead to an appealing home aesthetic.)

Pebble Trays

Evaporating water creates humidity. Placing water around your plants will slowly release humidity into the air, which can benefit your plants. So how can you do it?

A Bowl: This is the easiest option. Place a bowl filled with water nearby your plant.

A Tray: (1) Fill a decorative tray with river rocks. (2) Fill halfway with water. (3) Put your plant on top of the rocks.

About Pebble Trays

You must keep your tray and rocks clean. Over time, algae and mold can develop, posing a threat to your Crispy Wave. Many first-time pebble tray users opt for the bowl method first. Why? The benefits will be readily discernible, helping you decide if you want to purchase the materials for a pebble tray.

Maintaining the water levels in your tray is likewise essential. Overfilling it is the most substantial issue: water that touches your pot can soak into your plant’s soil, overwatering it.

Suiting Your Plant’s Watering Needs

Your plant’s moisture levels are a tell-tale sign letting you know if your efforts are working. Plants that are in a humid environment will not dry out as frequently. Why? A dry environment strips the moisture from your plant’s soil, while a humid climate allows your soil to retain moisture.

Due to this shift in your soil’s moisture levels, you will need to change your watering routine. Continue to monitor your soil’s moisture regularly, and water your Crispy Wave when the topsoil is barely dry.

Watering Reminders

Remember: dry leaves mean a happy Crispy Wave fern. Rather than overhead watering, use a bottom watering, self-watering, or soil watering method.

In Summary:

You should not continue misting your Crispy Wave’s leaves because of several health threats, including leaf and crown rot. Instead, try other options: such as a humidifier or changing your plant’s location.

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